WHF News & Updates

WHF Holiday Hours
Wisconsin Health Fund will be CLOSED for the holidays on November 28th, December 24th and 31st at Noon, and all day on December 25th and January 1st.

Virtual Visits with UHC
Wisconsin Health Fund is excited to inform you of an alternative real time care for non-emergency, urgent care issues. Starting September 1, 2022 we are offering Virtual Visits through our partnership with United HealthCare.

It’s Flu Season
Getting the flu vaccine is more important than ever during this pandemic. Flu symptoms can mirror COVID-19 symptoms and cause a great deal of disruption to your personal and professional life. We all need to work together on not spreading germs of any kind!

IRS Form 1095-B
Wisconsin Health Fund members will no longer automatically receive a copy of Form 1095-B, individuals no longer need the information on the Form 1095-B to file a federal income tax return. A Form 1095-B will still be produced for members who request a copy

COVID Vaccine Information
For COVID information call the Medical Reception Desk at 414-755-8310. WHF is currently applying for COVID vaccine on a weekly basis per the state protocol. WHF has received little vaccine to date.