WHF Offers Live Well & Work Well EAP for Members
As part of your Wisconsin Health Fund benefits, Employee Assistance Program (EAP) services are available at no extra cost for all members. This includes referrals, seeing in-network clinicians and initial consultations with mediators or financial and legal experts.
At liveandworkwell.com, you can find the tools you need to face everything life may hand you. It’s available around the clock, from the convenience of your desk or the comfort of your home. You’ll find confidential access to professional care, self-help programs and information.
Explore how you can:
- Get personalized assistance for the big events in your life.
- Request information, resources or referrals to help balance work and personal needs.
- Get answers to questions about stress, anxiety and other conditions.
- Find childcare resources, eldercare services and much more.
You and your family can also go online any time to:
- Check benefit information
- Submit online service requests
- Search the online clinician directory
- Use our virtual help centers to find information and resources for hundreds of everyday work and life issues
- Participate in interactive, customizable self-improvement programs
Easy Online Clinician Search and Special Databases
Whether you’re seeking a therapist, daycare provider or divorce lawyer, liveandworkwell.com has the search tools to assist you. The Clinician Search offers a searchable list of our clinicians and clinician groups. Narrow your selection by clinician name, location, specialty, medical group, ethnicity, language, gender, or area of expertise.
If you have a Smartphone download the new myLiveandworkwell app today! Search for a clinician or connect to a real person dedicated to making your life easier.
For more information, please refer to your employer-provided benefit information. EAP’s 24-hour online access is also available at liveandworkwell.com or by phone at 866-248-4094; Access code: whf
This program should not be used for emergency or urgent care needs. In an emergency, call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room. This program is not a substitute for a doctor’s or professional’s care.
All records are kept confidential in accordance with federal and state laws.